Tati Cam Post – The random files

Mel: So This is the first official Tati Cam post.
Tati sent me a camera (a very cute one mind you – that could only be improved upon with glitter) and orders to take pictures and send them to her.

Tati: That camera is super cute and since it has stars on it, glitter is not actually needed, because stars shine a lot more than glitter, but on the other hand, glitter is NEVER enough, I must confess! OK you are right!

Mel: Attempt number one at Tati Cam pics all taken today. It is not very epic, or interesting, but I guess some days you have to make your own and not wait for it to run across the road in front of you. Of course to take pictures NOT taken today would be cheating. Like this one:

I could totally get away with it saying I took this picture at home!

Tati: Or this one of Bon Jovi holding my hammer on the plane when we went to Mars.

Mel: So…here is a quick (semi-illegal) shot of my desk at work. Bonus points for those that spot: A zombie, a monkey, and 4 rabbits.

Tati: Damn, I’m missing 3 bunnies! I like the little demon on the right though…

Mel: Meanwhile, at home Elvis is already complaining about his lack of screen time and has resolved to keep reading over my shoulder, err…sitting in front of me, in order to make his demands known.

Tati: he looks focused, but I know he is just tripping on the blog.

Mel: Sugar is as effeminate as always. I suppose the fact he likes pink things really does not help his masculinity. That and the fact he is PRETTY and fluffy and white and therefore MUST be a girl. I of course have a theory that he isn`t even a cat, but that will require some research and photo evidence. I must remember to re-do the pom pom bit and send it.

Tati: Well, he is yours, so you can call him whatever you want. I’m all for a gay def cat (Did she mention Sugar is def? Did she also mention that because he is def, he gets the BEST scares ever when he finds out you are like, behind him? SUPER JUMPS!

Mel: Sinatra has been sleeping in the suspended bed, even if he can`t fit in it and it was intended to be for miniature dogs to use as a car seat.

Tati: Maybe because his owner, who doesn’t own a dog or a car seat intended for a dog, bought it and put it suspended on the stairs. But never mind me, it’s just a thought.

Mel: This might have to do with the fact Elvis keeps taking the best spots (the new cat sofa for example). Sinatra is like Linus and prefers to carry around a pink sweater to suck and cuddle. Elvis does not refrain as often with his comments about Sinatra and regularly swats him on the nose. He`s probably just jealous that he doesn`t have Sinatra’s baby blues.

Okay, totally random I know, but someone tossed out their red sofa on the street corner near my house. Of course judging from the condition of the “jungle” you can tell they don’t give a damn about any impressions, upkeep, or neighborhood anything or other. I took a picture because I am convinced the sofa is trying to run away. So here is photo number one. I`m keeping my eye on it, earlier today it was on the street instead of on the sidewalk. I think it’s trying to break free of its spiritual restraints and overcome the fact it is trash.

Tati: The fact that you are “tracking” the sofa is enough proof that I couldn’t live without you in my life. Who other than you (or me) would track a sofa? I mean, God forbid this thing to start running and suddenly hit Gabe’s car or sneak up on you when you are getting home after work? 100% love you for keeping the streets safe!

Mel: Now if this sofa was on Av. Indianapolis, we all KNOW what it would be covered in.

Tati: I wonder if this guy would be chilling on the sofa if it WAS on Indianapolis. PLEASE take a pic if this ever happen!

Mel: No room is complete without a picture of Tati, perfected with hom hom hoom`s supplied by Vivi. I consult it regularly for advices about the weather, stocks, and cable TV shows. For a special price you too can have a reproduction print of this one of a kind piece of interactive art.

Tati: Yes you can! You do something nice for your friends (I don’t even remember what I was blowing) and they totally paint your face and sell it on the internet! (I love you too Vivis!)

Since I love myself and I think I’m awesome, I’ve made a compilation of MEs for you to cherish and love forever. On this amazing compilation you will find:

Britney Bitch killing her dog Tati, Batman Tati, Paul Stanley Tati, Misfits Tati, Black Tati, Naked in a bar Tati, Getting out of her Yatch party Tati, Drunk Tati (duh), Fat Tati
Freak Tati and many more. ALL for sale!

Now here – and I apologize in advance for not asking your permission – a kick ass picture of my boy who untied his belly button! I hope you can tie it back again soon because you rock!

3 Responses to “Tati Cam Post – The random files”

  1. Hahaha Loved all the pics
    Wtf for the sofa, and I found only 3 rabbits, and the monkey D=

  2. Anonymous Says:

    girlstwogo…now with more crack!

  3. HOW, does one unties his bellybutton? I didn’t even know this was possible!

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